Jérôme Giovendo

Jérôme Giovendo


Jérôme is originally a mathematics teacher. After teaching for many years in the Paris region, he joined Ecole Jeannine Manuel Paris in 2006, where there has been an American section since 1985. In 2014, he was appointed Head of Ecole Jeannine Manuel Lille, and a few years later he took on the role of Schools Coordinator for all American sections, except those in North, Central and South America. In this capacity, he organizes the examinations of the American section of the French International Baccalaureate in collaboration with the French Ministry of Education and acts as a liaison between sections, College Board inspectors, subject coordinators, and representatives of the French educational system. Together with Laure de la Giraudière, Jérôme collects all possible information and statistics about the existing and future sections and coordinates the organization of our main event, the AAMIS World conference, which usually takes place early October each year.
Jérôme has also worked at the French Ministry of Education, DGESCO, as Program Coordinator for Mathematics and Primary Education and at the French National Center for Distance Learning (CNED).