
Registrations for the 2024 World Conference are open

Save your place by registering today HERE.Registration is free but compulsory if you want to attend.

Wednesday Oct 2nd :

Heads of School and of Section meeting : Ecole Jeannine Manuel, 70 rue du Théâtre, 75015 Paris.

Thursday Oct 3rd & Friday Oct 4th :

Subjects meetings : Collège Sévigné, 28 rue Pierre Nicole, 75005 Paris.The detailed agendas...

Save the date : March training sessions for teachers

For schools linked to the examination session in North America:Thursday-Friday March 14th-15th in person in NY:  ACL, CdM, HG For schools linked to the examination session in France:HG online Monday March 18th 14h-17h and Tuesday March 19th 9h-11hCdM online Tuesday March 19th 11h-13hACL online Thursday March 28th 9h-12h and 13h-15h For more information, please get in touch...

AAMIS 2023 conference : a three-day success!

We are very proud to announce that the 2023 AAMIS word conference gathered this year over 400 participants, more than any year before. Teachers, inspectors, subject coordinators, heads of schools and of sections, representative from our instituions all gathered to foster collaboration, innovation and discussions around the American sections and the BFI.   We would like...

AAMIS world conference

Save the date for the 2023 AAMIS world conference : Oct 4, 5 & 6th

We are happy to invite you to our 2023 world conference that will take place at Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris on October 4th, 5th & 6th. Please find below an overview of the topics that will be discussed during those 3 days. A more detailed agenda will follow after the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. This conference is...

students working in group

Results of the conference satisfaction survey

Because we know there is always room for improvement, we launched our first ever satisfaction survey after the October 2022 AAMIS conference. The results did not disappoint!You answered about 20 questions about the content, the organization, the technical set up, and the quality of the workshops.We are very proud to announce that more than 95%...

smiling student girl

2022 AAMIS World conference

Thank you to all of the 250 participants in the 2022 AAMIS Conference, which took place from October 12th to 14th  at École Jeannine Manuel Paris!Our conference takes place every year in October and provides teachers, heads, representatives of schools offering the OIB and BFI (as well as other institutions) with an opportunity to share...